Allow us to recommend some Bardstown lodging.
All locations are in downtown or just a short stroll away.
B&B Locations
Bourbon Ball Inn Bed & Breakfast 3 Rooms (270) 499-2616
Bourbon Manor Bed & Breakfast 10 rooms (502) 350-1010
Jailer's Inn Bed and Breakfast 9 rooms (502) 348-5551
Red Rose Inn Bed & Breakfast 4 Rooms (502) 349-3003
Old Talbott Tavern 10 Rooms (502) 348-3494
AIRBNB Locations
The Huston House Sleeps 4
Bourbon and Branch Sleeps 4
Old Coppersmith's Shop Sleeps 4
The Cottage Circa 1898 Sleeps 2
The Davis House Sleeps 2